Development Partners
Our team of accomplished scientists and engineers can create new products with a broad range of critical properties for you and your customers.
Custom Solutions
Each paper is versatile enough to meet the special application needs of our customers, as well as being adaptable to new uses.
Onyx Specialty Papers has been manufacturing technically exacting papers since 1806. We continue this 200+ year tradition by partnering with customers to develop customized products.
Where we operate
Our Mill is located in Western Massachusetts, serving customers around the world.
Challenging and Rewarding Place to Work
At Onyx every single person has an impact on our customers and their customer’s success.
Responsible & Sustainable
We are committed stewards of our environment, actively working to reduce our business’ environmental footprint. We are proud to support a broad range of organizations in our community, including charities, cultural organizations, family organizations, and educational institutions.
Becoming a Supplier
We are committed to building a strong and long-lasting relationship with our suppliers based on mutual trust and transparency.
Providing you with superior performing materials
Onyx produces highly engineered papers for technically demanding applications
Onyx Specialty Papers has been manufacturing technically exacting papers since 1806.
We continue this 200+ year tradition by partnering with customers to develop customized products that are true solutions for today’s complex and demanding performance challenges. We are dedicated to the design, development and manufacture of superior performing materials that meet or exceed the demanding technical specifications of a diverse customer base. Discover more.
”We reaffirm our commitment to our long standing customers and we look forward to introducing our capabilities to new customers and partners.