Our papers carry color, protect designs, absorb moisture and gases and analyze fluids. Onyx papers can be found in countertops, laminate floors, translucent panels, computer work stations, cabinets, ready-to-assemble furniture and automobiles. Wherever or however you think paper can be used, Onyx will partner with you to develop and implement new products and processes to help you achieve customer satisfaction and market growth.

Our key customers are in industries such as:

Fine ArtsFine Arts – Art Matte, Archival and Artists Papers

MedicalMedical Filter Media – Analytical Filter, Medical Filter

Industrial SpecialtiesTechnical Specialty – Fire Retardant, Conductive, Desiccant, and Wet Strength

Decorative Surfaces
Decorative Surfaces for the Laminate Industry

Activated Carbon for Filtration
Activated Carbon for Filtration
